Fit Friday


This weeks workouts were a bit different. I still love tabata but need to add more weights in my workouts. My go-to weight…the kettlebell. It is an insane workout and most moves you do with a kettlebell work more than just one muscle group. I know some kettelebell moves but needed some different muscles worked so I turned to Jillian Michaels.


Now let me say this…I was always one to be all like, “Oh that 30 day shred can’t be that great. Blah blah blah.” Then I found her yoga workout and loved it. So I thought I try a weighted workout of hers that I found online. The kettlebell workout that I did was this…and it was insane. She’s insane. I am now a believer that maybe her 30 day shred program is better than I initially thought.


Also…I’ve found yoga to be amazing. I do more of, what they call, power yoga, which takes basic yoga moves and adds reps/movements to those yoga moves which yields a better workout for me. And afterwards I feel more relaxed than I thought possible. And my muscles like me again after the week of hell I usually put them through. So yoga is definitely a regular in my workout routine and I’ve decided to do it twice a week instead of just once.


So here’s the low down on this weeks workouts




 Tabata-7 rounds 20 secs on/10 off



High knees/squats




Jump rope/one-legged plank


Side to side hops/lunge with kick




Tabata-7 rounds 20 secs on/10 off


 Lower jacks-lawn mower high pulls


Jump rope/weighted squats


Jumping jacks/kettlebell swings


Jump rope/plank








 Kettlebell workout




 Yoga-Jillian Michaels yoga meltdown level 2



*I was not at all paid in any way for saying that Jillian Michaels and her workouts are amazing. They just are.


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